terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

Facts about the dance in Brazil

Their origin and their styles

The dance originated in Brazil from many different places, getting a lot of influences fromabroad.With the dancing, there is a mix of rhythm and sound that makes people crate more steps anda different ways to dance.

The dances in Brazil are different in each region of the country, the best known, Samba, Maxixe, the Xaxado the crate, and Frevo Gafieira. Many are derived from these dances, receiving influences mainly African, Arab, European and indigenous. And still have room for the traditional folk dances and go according to each region and locality in Brazil as forro, axé, among others. In Brazil there are also more modern dances such as funk, for example, and foreign influences like rock, pop, pop rock, heavy metal are many as a simple variation of pace can change the title of the styles.

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